Professional Store bot Version


How to Create a Store Bot in SmartBotsLand

 Initiate Your Bot

  1. Start by sending the command “/start” in SmartBotsLand.
  2. Select “Create Bot – New” and then click on “Store Bot”.
  3. Answer the required questions to proceed.
  1. Once done, click Start Your Bot.


Completing Bot Registration

1.Inside your bot, click on Settings to set up your bot’s payment gateway.

Setting button

2.After configuring the payment gateway, click Save and Back.


To activate the “Store” feature, log into your admin panel:

  1. Click “Admin” button then click the “Log into Web Panel” button to receive your login credentials.
  2. Then follow the prompts to create your store.

Login button

Creating Your Store Bot

In the Store menu, click My Store and then New to enter your store information:


 Store Information

1. Store Name: Enter your store’s name.

2. Store activities: Specify the categories of products.

3. Tax: This tax is intended to help the government generate revenue and discourage consumption. It is usually a percentage of the total price of the product or service. Value added tax is applied to most goods and services, with a few notable exceptions.

4. Store Contact Information: Additionally, make sure to update these details if any changes occur. This will ensure that customers can contact you with any questions they may have about their order. Additionally, this contact information will be used to contact you with inquiries about our products and services.

5. Reservation Time: Define how long items stay reserved in carts (e.g., two hours). After this time, items will automatically be removed from the cart and returned to store inventory.

6. Share Product: By enabling this button, your customer can share your product with their friends, So they can help you to generate your store.

7. Show Store Logo in User’s Login Page: You can set a logo for your store and enable this button. Therefore; whenever your users click on your store, they can see the logo.

8. Collecting customer data: You might want to collect specific information from users who purchase your products.

Actually you can enable some of these options so your customer have to fill out them when they complete their purchase order.

This information will be sent to the operator specified in this section.

Store Information

9. Store Operators: The operator is also responsible for storing customer orders, tracking inventory, and ensuring that all orders are completed on time. They must also maintain accurate records of all transactions.

Payment setting

10. Store Payment Settings: Set the types of products your store offers and the types of payment users can use:

  • Product Types: Can be “Physical” or “File“.

For example, if your store sells physical items like clothes, the product type is “Physical”.

If you sell digital files like software or audio/video files, the product type is “File”.

  • Customer Payment Methods: Users can choose “Online Payment”, “Payment on Delivery”, or “Manual Payment”, depending on the options you have enabled:
    • Online Payment: If you have a payment gateway like CoinPayments, customers can pay online.
    • Payment on Delivery: Allows customers to pay upon receiving the product.
    • Manual Payment: Allows you to enter information like a bank account number or wallet address so customers can send payment details (like payment receipts or TXID) to you.
  •  Receipt Type: Specify whether the receipt customers send at payment is an image, tracking code, or both.
  •  Send Invoice to Customer: Enable this option to send an invoice to the customer after payment.

11. After setting everything up, click the “Save” button to save the settings.

Define an Operator

Defining Product Categories

1.In the “Store” menu, select “Product Categories” and click “New”:


  • Root: If you want the new product category to be a subcategory of another category, select the desired root category here.
  • Product Category Title: Enter the desired title. Choose a meaningful title, so users can quickly and confidently identify the category.
  • Show: Specify whether this category should be shown to users.
  • Upload Image: If needed, upload an image for each product category to help users identify them better.

2. After entering the information, click the “Save” button.


Managing Product Categories

After submitting the product category, you can see a list of your product categories in the “Product Categories” menu.

On this page, each category has three icons:

Edit: Click to edit and change the product category information.

Details: Click to view details about the created product category.

Delete: Click to delete the category.

Tip: Categories with products or subcategories cannot be deleted.


Defining Product Property

1.In the Store menu, select Properties and click New:


  • Property Title: Enter the feature related to the product, such as “Color”, “Size”, “Weight”, etc.
  • Display Title: This optional field allows you to set a display name for the feature, visible to your users.
  • Finally, after entering the information, click the “Save” button.

value of properties

Managing Product Property

After adding the Property, you can see the list of defined features by selecting ” Properties“.

Each Property has three icons. Furthermore, these icons help you manage the properties effectively.

Edit: Click to edit the Property.

Property Value: Click to assign various values to the created property.

For example, if your feature is “Color”, you can add values like “Red”, “Blue”, “Green”, etc.

Assign values to each feature

To assign values to features, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “New” button.
  2. Choose a name for the desired property value.
  3. Finally, click the “Save” button.

give value into your properties


property value

Delete: Click to delete the desired values.

List of property

 Properties Categorization

From the “Store” menu, select “Properties Categorization“.

1. Click the “New” button.

New_group of property

 Creating a Feature Group

Feature Group: Enter the name of the desired feature group. This name is not visible to users and is used only for organizing and managing the categories.

For example, “Physical Features”, “Technical Features”, etc.

Selecting Features: Choose the defined features for this feature group. Selecting features means you want to use this feature group in your product categories.

After selecting features, click the “Save” button.

Group Property

Now, when you assign a category to a product, instead of selecting features one by one, you can use the created feature group.

Example: Suppose you have a clothing store with the category “Shirts”. You can create a feature group called “Size” and select the features “S”, “M”, “L”, “XL” for this group.

Now, whenever you add a new shirt, you can choose its size from these features.

  •  Feature Group: Size
  • Features:
    • S
    • M
    • L
    • And  XL
  • This feature group helps you use similar features grouped in your products, enhancing user experience and simplifying product management.


By selecting “Products” from the “Store” menu, you will be directed to a new page where you will see five different buttons at the top:

New: Clicking this button takes you to a new page for adding a new product.


Follow these steps to add a product to your Store bot:

1. Product Name: Enter the desired product name. The product name should be clear and specific so users can easily find it, even when searching in your store.

2. Product Code: If you have a physical store, enter the product code here.

3. Brief Description: You can set your desired description here and you have to know that your customer can see this description in the bot, so write it carefully.

4. Full Description: This section is for writing a detailed description about the product. This part is only visible to you as the admin.

5. Real Price: You can set the price of your product here.

6. Sale Price: The price you want users to pay for the product.

7. Schedule sale: Set a specific time frame for users to purchase the product.

Product type

8. Specifying the Product Type:

  • If your products are files:
    • Inventory: Enter the quantity of your products.
    • Display Product When Out of Stock: Enable this option to continue displaying the product to users even when it’s out of stock.
  • If your products are physical:
    • Sales Unit: The unit used for selling the product, e.g., dozen or pack.
    • Inventory: Enter the quantity of your products.
    • Minimum Stock Level: Enter the minimum number of goods in inventory to receive a warning when the inventory reaches this level
    • Display Product When Out of Stock: Specify whether the product should be displayed to users if it’s out of stock.
    • Uploading Product Images: You can upload high-quality images that showcase your products at their best.

9. Product Categorization: Add your product to one or more suitable categories to help users find it more easily.

10. Finally, after completing the product information, click on the “Insert Product” button to add your product to the store.


Icons Available on the Products Page

1. Edit: By clicking on the edit icon, you can edit the information of your product. This includes changing the name, adjusting the selling price, updating the product description, and changing other relevant information.

2. Details: By clicking on the “Details” icon, you can view all the registered information for each product. This includes the product name, product code, brief and detailed description, selling price, sales schedule, and other features.

3. Product Properties: Clicking on the “Product Properties” icon directs you to a new page where you can add features to the intended product.

List of Product

Adding a New Feature

1. To add a new feature, click on the “New” button and follow these steps:

  • Feature Title: Enter the desired feature name like “Color,” “Size,” etc.
  • Feature Value: Select one or more values for the feature such as “Red,” “Size M,” etc.
  • Variable: If enabled, you can set different prices for each feature value. For example, for different sizes of clothing, you can set different prices.
  • After filling in the information, click on the “Save” button.


Managing Features

On the page listing the features assigned to each product, you’ll see two icons next to each feature:

1. Delete: Clicking on this icon allows you to delete the features assigned to each product.

2. Edit: Clicking on this icon lets you edit the features assigned to the product.

You can select multiple features and delete them all at once by clicking on “Delete Selected Items.”

List of value property

Feature changes

4. Feature changes: If you want to consider different prices and availability for each feature added to the products, use the respective icon.

click on the edit icon to navigate to a new page where you’ll find two buttons at the top left:

  •  New Feature: Click here to add new features and enter relevant information for each.
  • Create All Features: By selecting this button, all possible states of each feature are created based on the features defined for your product. You can then delete the unnecessary ones.

Create Product feature

Each created feature has two icons:

  •  Blue Icon: Here you can see customized features, including product code, inventory, actual price, and selling price.
  • Delete Icon: Clicking on this icon allows you to delete the feature. This means the product either doesn’t have this feature or the price of the product varies based on this feature.

Feature which is variable

5. Deleting a Product: By clicking on the “Delete Product” icon, you can remove that product. To delete a product, you must also delete its image and related features.

Delete Selected: Clicking on the “Delete Selected Items” button allows you to select and delete multiple products at once.

Refresh: After making any changes on the products page, click the “Reload” button to refresh the page and save your changes.

Download Product File: Clicking on the “Download Product File” button gives you an Excel file. This Excel file contains necessary information about your products and their features. You can a product name, features, price, etc. without entering the web panel. Note that you cannot upload images or product files all at once in this Excel file.

Import File: After filling out the Excel file according to the guide, click on the “Import File” button to upload it in the panel. The Excel will automatically add the manually-added features to your bot.

Creating a New Discount Code

To create a new discount code, select “Discount” from the “Store” menu.


  1. Title: Choose a suitable title for your discount code. This title won’t be displayed to your users.
  2. Discount Type: Choose whether the discount is a fixed amount (Discount Amount) or a percentage (Percentage Discount).
    1. Discount Amount: The specific amount discounted for the user.
    2. Percentage Discount: The percentage discount applied to products.
    3. Purchase Limit: Specify how many times each user can use this discount code.
    4. Code: Create a discount code using a combination of letters and numbers. Send this code to your users.
    5. Start Date: The date when the discount code becomes active.
    6. Expiration Date: The date when the discount code is no longer usable.
    7. Save: After entering the required information, click the “Save” button.


Managing Discount Codes

1. Editing: Clicking on the edit icon allows you to edit a discount code you’ve created. You can make changes such as the discount amount, purchase limit, code, start date, and expiration date.

2. Deleting: Clicking on the delete icon allows you to delete the discount codes you’ve created. This action makes the discount code no longer usable for users.

Orders and Shipping

For settings related to order processes in your store, go to the “Store” menu and select “Order Settings“.

This will open a page with two tabs for your configuration needs.

  • Order setting: In the “Order setting” tab, you can define stages of the delivery process to show users where their items are.
    • Order Process: Enter a suitable title for each stage of the item delivery process so users can easily understand at which stage their item is.
    • Display Color: Choose a color for each stage to visually indicate to users which stage their item is in.
    • Add: After entering the information, click the “Add” button to add a new stage.
    • Save: Click the “Save” button to save the changes.

Order Process

  • Setting Shipping Methods: To set different shipping methods in your store, follow these steps:
    • Click on the “New” button to open the form for adding a new shipping method.
    • Shipping Type: Enter a name for the shipping method, such as “Express Mail” or “Courier.”
    • Shipping Cost: Insert the shipping cost for each method. It can be either fixed or variable.
    • Free Shipping on Purchases Over: If you want to offer free shipping for purchases over a specific amount, enter that amount here.
      • Payment Method: Choose which payment methods can be used with this shipping method. Options include “Cash on Delivery,” “Online Payment,” and “Manual Payment.”
    • Description: Provide additional details about the shipping method. This can include limitations, estimated delivery times, and other important details.
    • Status: Determine the status of this shipping method. You can enable or disable it.
    • After entering all the information, click the “Save” button to save the new shipping method.


Customer Information

To access customer information and manage orders in your store, select “My Customers” from the “Store” menu.

Upon selecting this option, you will enter a new page that displays a list of your customers.

For each customer, there are four icons with the following functions:

Order Setting

1. Details: This icon allows you to view the customer’s information.
2. Delete: With this icon, you can delete the customer.
3. Send Message: Clicking on this icon enables you to send a message to the customer. This message will be visible in the chatbot and not to other users.
4. Orders: Clicking on this icon directs you to a new page where you can view information related to this customer’s orders, including purchase date and time, order status, and order processing stages.

Managing orders

At the end of each order, there is an “Operations” button that includes:

  • Change Status: Orders can be changed to one of the following statuses:
      • Cancelled: The order has been canceled and will not be followed up.
      • Processing: The order is being processed and prepared for shipment.
      • Completed: The order has been finalized and is ready for dispatch.
      • After selecting the desired status, click “Save” to apply the changes.

Change proccess

  • Change Stage: Various stages defined in order settings will be displayed. Select the stage where the product currently resides for users to track the shipping process.
  • View Invoice: You can view the invoice received by the customer.
  • Download Invoice: You can download the invoice for your records.
  • Send Message: You can send a message to the customer. This message will be visible in the chatbot and not to other users.
  • Delete: You can delete the selected order.

Managing Order Status and Stages

To change order status and stages, follow these steps:

1. From the “Store” menu, select “Orders.”

2. On this page, all your orders are displayed.

3. Change Order Stage: Select the desired order from the order list. Click on the “Change Stage” icon. Various stages defined in order settings will be displayed. Various stages will be displayed according to the order settings. Stages can include “Packaging,” “Ready for Shipment,” “Shipped,” and “Delivered.” After selecting the desired stage, click “Save” to apply the changes.

4. View Invoice: You can view the invoice received by the customer.

5. Send Message: You can send a message to the customer. This message will be visible in the chatbot and not to other users.


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