If you deal with Telegram bots every day, you may have noticed that the bots now show the number of their users. This feature has been added to the Telegram bots a couple of weeks ago. This number does NOT show the actual number of bot users and that has made challenges to the bots’ admins. However, neither the Telegram blog nor Pavel Durov have explained it. Here, we discuss what is the Telegram bot user count and what we should do about it.
Telegram Bot User Count; New Update from Telegram
The SmartBotsLand team has explored this feature in the last couple of weeks and have found that the bots actually show the number of users who contacted them at least once during the last month. To put it more clearly, the bots show the number of subscribers who have used the bot over the last 30 days, whether in their private messages (PM) or in a channel. It’s good to know that SmartBotsLand bots have had this option for years. You can easily adjust the setting so that the bot shows the number of subscribers to all the users. Â
NOTE: the number you see on top of the bot is different from the TOTAL NUMBER of bot users.Â
FAQs about Telegram Bot User Count
Is there any way to see bot users count in Telegram?
The latest Telegram update has added this feature. Now, you can see the number of people who were active in the bot during the last 30 days.Â
How can I disable the bot user count in Telegram?
Unfortunately, you can’t. Telegram doesn’t allow bots’ admins to hide the number of users.Â
Can Telegram bots access the users’ data?
They cannot access your personal information, but they can collect your public account info, such as your profile picture, phone number, and username.Â
I have thousands of users but they are not shown as monthly users, nothing is shown. What can I do to have them shown?