Shopping on Telegram is becoming common and popular day by day. Making a purchase within Telegram is easy, straightforward, and seamless if it’s done through reliable bots. If you've ever used a Telegram bot to make a payment, you're already familiar with how convenient it is. In this blog, we explain everything you need to know about Telegram payment...
Telegram Mini App (TMA) is a web application that works within this messenger. These apps have changed the way people interact with Telegram, especially when it comes to running an online shop. Developers create mini apps using web technologies (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript) and Telegram’s Bot API. Telegram is generous and provides documentation and examples to help developers get started.
When deciding between starting an online shop on Telegram, a website, or Instagram, it’s important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. Of course, there are many other social media for ecommerce, but so far, these three have proved to be the best of all. In the following essay, we have compared the features of Instagram, Telegram,...
Telegram bots have come a long way until they have become the most popular tool in social media, especially Telegram, Instagram, and WhatsApp. These bots automate tasks and set you free from doing manual, repetitive tasks. Now you must be thinking where can I find a good, safe Telegram bot and how to add it to my Telegram channel?...
If you deal with Telegram bots every day, you may have noticed that the bots now show the number of their users. This feature has been added to the Telegram bots a couple of weeks ago. This number does NOT show the actual number of bot users and that has made challenges to the bots’ admins. However, neither the...