News Management

In the fast-paced business world, keeping your customers in the loop is crucial. If you’ve set up a Telegram bot for your business, you’re already ahead of the game. But what about sharing the latest news and updates with your users?

That’s where Smartbotsland’s “News” feature comes in handy. With this tool, you can easily share news articles and updates directly through your bot, keeping your users informed and engaged.

No more manual effort is needed. With Smartbotsland, you can automate the process of sharing relevant news with your audience, saving time and ensuring your users stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in your industry.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use the “News” feature in the Smartbotsland panel to enhance your bot’s content strategy and provide added value to your users.

How to Create News in SmartBotsLand?

To create a new one, you first need to create a newsgroup, follow the steps below for this purpose:

1. Login to your admin panel(Dashboard).

2. Click “Create News Group” from the “News” menu.

3. Click on the “NEW” button.

create groupnews

On the new page, you have to set some information which is explained one by one below:

Root: You can put the newsgroup under another newsgroup, so in this section, you can find and select the main root.

Newsgroup title: You have to set your desired name for this newsgroup.

Buttons Count: From this section, you can specify how many newsgroups should be shown in each row.

4. Click on the “Save” button.


On the new page, there are several icons in front of each newsgroup, which I will briefly explain below:

Edit: Through this icon, you can edit your newsgroup information.

Details: You can see the information of your newsgroup here.

Delete: You can easily delete your desire newsgroup.

operation of groupnews

After creating the newsgroup, you can set your news, for this you need to go through the following steps:

1. Login to your admin panel(Dashboard).

2. Click on “Create News” from the “News” menu.

3. Click on the “NEW” button.

Create News

On the new page you have to set some information which is explained one by one the below:

1. Choose the news group title.
2. Enter the news title.
3. Enter news content.
4. Enter the news link.
5. You can enter news’ author.
6. Finally, register your news by clicking the “SAVE” button.


How to enable the “News” button?

To view the news in the Telegram bot, you must enable the “News” button, which is one of the default submenus in the panel.

1. Enter your admin panel (Dashboard).

2. Click on “Bot buttons” from “Bot Management” menu.

3. Click on “Edit” icon in front of your desire buttons.

active contact with the system

4. At the bottom of the window, in the “Select default submenus” section, enable the “News” button.

5. Click the “Edit” button to apply the changes.

RSS Feed

You may want to show news from other sites in your Telegram bot.
To do this, follow the steps below:

1. Enter to “Feed” of “News” menu.

2. Click on the “NEW” button.

3.Finally, register your news by clicking the “SAVE” button.


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