Telegram Privacy and Security: Telegram is well-known for its privacy and security and surly, privacy and security section from Telegram settings must have had amazing features. In this article, we are going to show you different parts of this section.
First step: open "Settings" and tap on "Privacy and security".
The first section you see when you open "Privacy and security",...
Telegram Premium features : Today is the day that one of the most popular messaging apps and the most featureful one, reached 700 million users while it is among the 5 most-downloaded applications in the world. Meanwhile, they have officially introduced Telegram Premium and its features. Telegram paid nothing for advertising and all Telegram earned till this day, came...
Telegram premium: Telegram officially announced that a paid telegram subscription will launch this month! Although telegram used to stand that the messaging app would be free for all, which it still is, a paid premium sub came to being…
Telegram premium
Telegram is one of those rare messaging apps, or it is better to say it is the only messaging app...
Pavel Durov :You definitely have heard about Telegram Messenger. The main competitor of WhatsApp and Facebook. And in every aspect, Telegram got the superiority to win. And just to mention, this superiority certainly includes its founder, Pavel Durov. The one who has been called "The Russian Mark Zuckerberg". A billionaire who values creativity and creating things and sees it...
"Telegram Notification and Sounds" : There are sounds that inform you different types of things. If you have new messages from any group or channels or private chats, you will receive notification. Notifications come with sounds. Long story short, Telegram has a special section about notification and sounds on Telegram Settings; which contains many options and special feature offerings....