How to create Telegram shop bot?

Telegram shop bot

Telegram shop bot is one of the best choice for you, if you are a seller and you need to set up online shop in Telegram. In this article SmartBotsLand team explain you how to set up your own online shop. After you have registered in the SmartBotsLand panel and launched your bot, you can easily setup your shop.

How create online shop in SmartBotsLand?

1. Enter your admin panel(Dashboard).

2. Click on “My store” from “Store” menu.

3. Click on “New” button.

4. In the new page, you have to set your store information which explain in the below:

Edit my store

Store Name: You have to set suitable name for your store which can introduce your product.

Store activities: You can choose your store activity from here.

tax:  If in your country, you get value add tax on the price of a product or service at each stage of production, distribution, or sale to the end consumer.

Store contact information: It’s necessary to write the information and details about your shop like: address and phone number and etc.

You have to know that your users didn’t see these information.

Share Product: By enabling this button your customer can share your product with their friends, So they can help you to generate your store.

Show store logo in user login: You can set a logo for your store and enable this button. Therefore; whenever your users click on your store, they can see the logo.

Show welcome message in user login: You can adjust this button to “Yes”, if you want your users receive a welcome message, after they login to your Telegram bot store.

Tip: You have to know that you have to set some category so your “Welcome message” will shown to your customers.

Input information customization

You can enable some of these options so your customer have to fill out them when they complete their purchase order.

Store operators

You have to set some operators here to receive your  order requests.

Store payment settings

In this section you have to set some information about your payment gateway which explained in the below:

Product type: You can choose your product type which mean that you want to sell Files or Physical product.

Customer pay type: In this section you can choose your customer how pay for your product.

  • Payment on delivery: In this option, the bot send the invoice to your customer and they will pay when get the product.
  • Online: You can set your merchant Id in this section. You have to know that SmartBotsland just support CoinPayment gateway.
  • Manual payment: If you didn’t have CoinPayment gateway, you can set your desire Merchant Id or wallet address in this section so your customer send their receipt to you and you can accept or decline it as an operator of the bot.

Tip: you can choose all three options so your customers can choose their desire gateway for paying.

Send invoice to customer: By activating this option, the bot send the invoice of purchase to your customer.

Product categories

It is obvious that for organizing your products, you need to categorize them.

For this you need to do the steps below:

1. Click on “Product Categories” in the “Store” menu.

2. A page will be opened to you then click on “New” button.

Root: If your category is a main category, don’t set the root, otherwise; You can set the root for it.

Category title: For each category, you need to write the title for it.

Show: By activating this button, your users can see your categories in the bot.

Upload: If you need, you can upload photos for your category in this section.

3. Click on “Save” button.

You can see three icon in front of each category which explained in the below:

  • Edit: You can edit your setting of creating category by this icon.
  • Details: You can see the details of each category by clicking on this icon.
  • Delete: You can delete each category by this icon.

Tip: You cannot delete categories which has subcategories.


Note: In this section you can choose whether your products will be imported individually or all together. It gets you less time if you import them all together, so you need to click on DOWNLOAD THE PRODUCT FILE. An excel file will be opened and you can import all of your products. As I said before category codes are important, so you have to write correct code for each categories and if you don’t remember your categories code, select the category in left bar, thus you can see them.

For inserting new product you have to do steps below:

1. Enter your admin panel (Dashboard).

2. Click on “Product” in “Store” menu.

3.Click on the “Save” button.

4. In the page, you have to set the details of each product which explained in the below:

Product name: You have to set suitable name for your product and you have to know that your customer see this name in the bot.

Product code: You have to set your desire code for each product.

Brief description: You can set your desire description here and you have to know that your customer can see this description in the bot.

Full description: You can set more description for each product here and you most know that your customers didn’t see this description in the bot.

Real price: You can set the price of your product here but your customer didn’t see this price(This is the price at which you purchased the product).

Sale price: In this section, you should set the price you want the customer to pay.

Schedule sale: You can set a date for the discount you have set for your product  so that it’s applied only in that price range with the discount.

  • Start date: This discount will start from this date.
  • End date: This discount will finished in this date.

Sales unit: In this section, you can specify your sales unit, for example, quantity, jeans, etc…

Inventory: You can specify the total number of products you have.

Inventory floor: In this section you can specify the number of your product which the bot send message to you to recharge the product.

Display product in finishing inventory: By activating this option, Your product shown to your customer even they finished.

Upload product images: You can Upload the photo’s of each product here.

Product categories: You have to choose the category of this product here.

Tip: you have to know that if your category have some subcategories, you can just can choose one of the subcategories.

5. Click on the “Insert product” button.

Order setting

In this section you can set the setting of order and shipping process.

For do the setting you have to do the steps below:

1. Enter your admin panel.

2. Click on “Order Settings” in the “Store” menu.

3. In the new page, you can see two tab which explained in the below:

  • Order process: In this section you can specify some order process which show your user that their product is in which step. you can specify the order process for it like: sending, delivering and etc. By doing this, your customer will be able to see and check the entire ordering process.
  • You can set color for each order processing and also, You can specify each process with a specific color. click on Add for each process.
  • Shipping Type: In this section, you can set some shipping type so your customer can choose one of them and the price of it will be added to their invoice.

4. Click on the “Save” button.

My Customers

Every online shop has customers. So, as a shop manager, it is important to have list of your customers. by clicking on this button, you can see the list of customers who have registered in your bot and they placed the order.

There are some icons in front of each customer which explained in the below:

  • Details: You can see all the information about your customer from here.
  • Delete: You can delete your store customer by clicking on this icon.
  • Send Message: You can send message(all format of message like text, photo, video, …) to your store customer by clicking on this icon.
  • Orders: You can see all orders of this customer via this button.


In this section you can see the list of orders that your customers purchased and you should know that you can change the process of ordering and status from here.

There are some operations in front of each orders which explain in the below:

  • Change Status: You can change the status of each order by this option(Actually you can choose suitable status like: Cancel, Ordering, Final).
  • Change process: You have to change the process of ordering manually.
  • Display invoice: You can see the invoice of this purchase by clicking on this button.
  • Invoice download: You can get the file of this purchase invoice from here.
  • Send message: You can send message to your customer which placed this order by this button.
  • Delete: You can easily delete the orders by this icon.


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