Sunday، 19 May 2024
Boosted group in telegram
What Is a Boosted Group? On March 4, Telegram introduced a new feature that drew the attention of many of its users, the group admins in particular. This feature, named Boosted Group, helps the group admins customize their groups and attract more members to their platform.  So! Boosted Groups are nice and effective, but how can you make (and keep)...
Create a Paid Telegram Group
Paid Telegram channel is a great, new way of making money for people who sell a product or content online. But why Telegram? This platform is the most popular and secure messenger in the world. Using end-to-end encryption technology, using cloud storage to save up the users' data, and having security perks (like secret chat) have made this platform...
Telegram Music Bot
Telegram music bots have paved the way for people searching for their favorite music.  Nowadays, Telegram bots can be found in almost every field. It has been a while since these smart assistants found their place amongst users and each day, more and more people attempt to use one of these bots. In the music and movie field, countless...
Black Friday is one of the most important shopping days worldwide. Black Friday started in the US for the first time, and this event is growing in popularity year over year. Black Friday always falls on the Friday immediately after Thanksgiving. In 2021, Black Friday will be held on the 26th of November. Now the SmartBotsLand team, on the occasion...
new update of telegram
Telegram, the king of features, has released a new upgrade. Numerous new features have been add will be thoroughly explained in this essay. Hidden Media One of the most widely used messaging apps is Telegram, despite its youth. This comes as no surprise given the app's extensive array of useful and intriguing features, including spoiler tags. Users can prevent spoilers for...


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