Sunday، 19 May 2024
Pavel Durov Founder of Telegram
  Pavel Durov :You definitely have heard about Telegram Messenger. The main competitor of WhatsApp and Facebook. And in every aspect, Telegram got the superiority to win. And just to mention, this superiority certainly includes its founder, Pavel Durov. The one who has been called "The Russian Mark Zuckerberg". A billionaire who values creativity and creating things and sees it...
Telegram Notification and Sounds
  "Telegram Notification and Sounds" : There are sounds that inform you different types of things. If you have new messages from any group or channels or private chats, you will receive notification. Notifications come with sounds. Long story short, Telegram has a special section about notification and sounds on Telegram Settings; which contains many options and special feature offerings....
telegram bot
What Is Telegram Bot? Telegram bot is one of the most important, popular, and useful features of this online messenger. In 2015, Telegram introduced a new account controlled by programs, not people. This new feature has gained rapid popularity throughout the world and today, it is widely used for different purposes. Read on to learn how Telegram bots can help...
Profile Video and QR Code
  We know Telegram as the King of Features. Knowing some basic features after creating an account will be quite helpful. First thing to mention would be setting a video as profile. I am sure that you can set a picture as your profile, but video…it is something new that offered by Telegram Messenger. And the second one is about...
Telegram Music Bot
Telegram music bots have paved the way for people searching for their favorite music.  Nowadays, Telegram bots can be found in almost every field. It has been a while since these smart assistants found their place amongst users and each day, more and more people attempt to use one of these bots. In the music and movie field, countless...
Boosted group in telegram
What Is a Boosted Group? On March 4, Telegram introduced a new feature that drew the attention of many of its users, the group admins in particular. This feature, named Boosted Group, helps the group admins customize their groups and attract more members to their platform.  So! Boosted Groups are nice and effective, but how can you make (and keep)...
Telegram Update April
  "Telegram Update April 2022": Once more, with the new update released, the entire world has soaked in shock! In this Telegram update, the ability to use part of an audio file or voice for notifications is embedded. The significant part of the story begins with a revolution in the term of bots. In this update, bots grow stronger, and...
Subscription Bot for Telegram Business
Subscription Telegram bot is a perfect AI tool that helps the owners of small or large businesses to manage their VIP Telegram channels. Creating a membership- or subscription-based business can be very rewarding as you have the opportunity to build meaningful, long-term relationships with your subscribers, provide them with valuable content, and have a sustainable income. It goes without saying...
paid telegram group
An open-source messenger is Telegram. It is now the only widely used messenger that ensures user and data security and privacy. Because of this, the program offers secret chats, which are encrypted messages that cannot be read by anyone else or forwarded. The other person will be alerted if one of the two takes a snapshot of the chat....
700 Million Users
  Telegram Premium features : Today is the day that one of the most popular messaging apps and the most featureful one, reached 700 million users while it is among the 5 most-downloaded applications in the world. Meanwhile, they have officially introduced Telegram Premium and its features. Telegram paid nothing for advertising and all Telegram earned till this day, came...


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