How to create subscription bot?

If you own a Telegram channel or group, you must know that managing the users, getting membership fees, and controlling the payment status of each user is arduous and time-consuming. The telegram subscription bot helps you overcome this problem rapidly and easily. In this tutorial, we guide you to create a subscription bot step by step.

The owners of VIP Telegram channels and groups, such as crypto signal groups, price tracking channels, as well as cryptocurrency trading groups have multiple problems:

  • Collecting membership fee;
  • Checking each user’s deposits;
  • Checking membership expiration dates;
  • Finding the members who have not paid their fees;
  • Finding the members whose membership date has been over; etc.

Doing all these tasks manually is almost impossible, especially if your group or channel has numerous members. Subscription bots created by SmartBotsLand help you save your time, track the payments accurately, and don’t miss a thing that happens in your channel.

The subscription bot (Membership bot) is like a bridge in your channel that connects different sections of it automatically; from your members-only section and payment gateways to your subscription plans. In other words, this bot links you to your customers.

Note: when you add the subscription bot to your channel or group, an assistant bot will be added automatically. Do NOT remove that bot. If you delete the assistant bot the bot cannot manage your users.

How to create Subscription bot?

1. Click on SmartBotsLand.

2. Then, send ” /start” and select “create bot-New “.

3. Click on “Subscription bot” button.

4. Insert the bot token that you have taken from @Botfather.

5. Then in the next three steps, you should enter your full name, a valid email address, and the name of your country.

6. You should click on the “start your bot” button to finish the registration process.

How to setting up subscription bot?

1. Click on the “Setting” button.

2. You should add your bot to your private channel/group and promote it to admin; then, click on the “check it out” button.

3. After that, you can see the list of groups and channels that your bot is a member of. Click on the channel or group you want to manage.

Note: Remember that you can add each subscription bot to only One private group or channel.

4. In the next step, you can add one or more subscription plans to your bot. By creating these plans, you can specify how long your customers can use your content and how much they should pay.

5. Click on “Continue” button.

6. In the opened window, you can set down how your users should pay the membership fee.

7. Click on the “Next Level“ button to move to the next step.

8. In the new window, there are three columns. you should write a title for your subscription plan and specify a price and duration for it.

9. Then, click on “SAVE & BACK TO BOT“.

Tip: It is also noteworthy that you can add a Free Plan in your subscription bot, by which your customers can benefit from your content or products without any charge for a limited time. Then, they are forced to make a payment to use your contents.

To get more detailed information about Free Plan watch this video.

Which buttons does the bot owner see?

The “Admin” button is specifically designed for admins of the bot, so it is not displayed to the users.

By clicking on the Admin button, a submenu will be opened:

Generate VIP Code: Through this button you can generate a VIP code for your VIP customers. You can then share the code with them in private chat.

Note: The VIP code is NOT a discount code. Your customers will use your content/products for free  for limited time by using this code.

SmartBotsLand Support: With this button you can send ticket to SmartBotsland team support. contact the SmartBotsLand team and share your problems and opinions.

Extension or Upgrade: Via this button you can upgrade your admin panel.

Login to admin Panel: Via this button you can get your email and your password for entering your admin panel.

Payment Settings: You can always change the currency and method of payment in your bot via this button.

Edit Plans: Use this button to edit or delete the plans you have created before.

Tip: You have to know that you can edit your plan or gateway just in the bot.

Reports: You can receive the reports of your channel members (those who have received the subscription link from your bot and have become a member of your channel) and the list of users’ transactions.

Deleting Assistant Bot from Channels and Groups

As mentioned above, when you add a subscription bot to your group or channel, an assistant is automatically added to it too. This assistant detects and removes the users who have not joined your channel through the subscription bot. If you delete the Sub Assistant Bot,

  • The users can join your channel through other ways so they can join your channel as free.
  • The bot didn’t have the expire date of each user so your user wouldn’t delete from your VIP channel after expiration date.

So be careful not to delete the Sub Assistant bot from your private channels and groups.


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