How to create Telegram bot buttons?| form-maker button

Telegram bots are one of the most attractive features of Telegram. Smartbotsland team has created some useful bots and also a web panel that let you to create your own bot. This panel gives you some required buttons like: Basic Button, Form Maker button, Poll button and Individual Button. In this article we explain how to create Form Maker button for your Telegram bot. Which is used for getting information from your users. For instance, registering your users in special course. Also, if you have restaurant and you want that your customers order food with your bot, you can use this kind of telegram bot button. If you like to know how to create this Telegram bot button (Form-Maker), Read the steps below.
After creating your bot with @BotFather and registering on SmartBotsLand panel, log in smartsbotland panel. On dashboard, click on “Bot Buttons”, in opened window, click on green “NEW” button, next, tap “CREATE FORM MAKER BUTTON”.

bot buttonForm-Maker button

  • Button title: As you can see, for creating this button, it is the first part to fill in. You have to choose a title according to your needs and also according to your bot template; for example: course, register, order, or anything.
  • Parent button: In this step of creating this Telegram bot button, you should determine where your button will be placed; in start menu or under set of the other basic buttons.
  • Reply type: The options are “Manual text” and “Web Service“.
    “Manual text” is designed to prepare a text and it will be sent to your users, after they complete the form.
    “Web Service“ is useful option for developers. If you are a developer, you can write a web services and set it’s link in this field. So your users’ information will be sent to this address and you can do special process on it.
  • End process message: Write a message in this field. So it will be send to your users after they are done with this button.
  • Number of permission allowed: The default number is “ZERO”. Which indicates that, your users can answer the questions as many times as they want. You can change it to “ONE” or more. If you set “ONE”, your users are only allowed to answer them once.
  • Status: If you set it to “enable”, all your users will see the button that you are creating and when it is set to “disable”, no one can see it.
  • Access user groups: All your users can see this button If you set “All”; but if you need to show this button to some special groups of your users, you have the ability to set “Allowed groups”. If you don’t know about grouping users, I suggest you to watch tutorial video about that.
  • Allowed users: When it is “All”, all your users can see this telegram bot button. So it’s clear when it’s “Registered users “, only who have registered, can see this bot button.
  • Receive confirmation: It states that, a confirmation message will be sent to users when they are done with the process of form maker button.

Telegram bot buttonPayment Setting

An extremely useful feature about the form maker button of smartbotsland telegram bot is, the possibility of receiving a fee. This means that users can pay the price you‘ve specified after sending the information. Such as registration fee, ad fee, order registration fee and etc.
If you need to get fee from your users, complete this section.

  • Payment Setting: Change “Free” to “Money”.
  • Type Get Money: Change “Optional” to “Forced”.
  • Price: Specify a price.
  • Merchant Id: Enter your merchant id. If you don’t have, you have to register in and get your merchant id.

Telegram bot form maker buttonOther Setting

  • Buttons Size: You can set the size of your buttons. The default is “Large size”. It’s more appropriate to set it to “Small size”.
  • Number of buttons in row: You have the ability to specify the number of buttons in row and also you can adjust an “Expire date” for your buttons. If this button expires, users can no longer view it.

Telegram bot buttonsRecipients

In first step you should add your operator or operators.

  • Reply by operator: Change it to “yes”. So your operators can answer users’ questions.
  • Send files and maps to recipients: You can set it to “yes”; therefore, your users can receive files and maps.
  • Ability to download file requests: If you change it to “yes”, your operators can download file request.

special bot buttonList Process steps

Last section is “List Process steps”. It is designed to write your question and also adjust the other settings about that. You can define as many questions as you like, on each form button. It states that, there is no limit to the number of questions. And you can set a button for the answer. For example, you want to ask users’ genders, Users can choose from the options you have created instead of typing the answer. This feature is great for multiple choice questions.

  • Question title: You need to write relevant titles for your questions.
    Tip: Don’t write your questions in questions title. It has only designed for writing the titles.
  • User response type: Here we define how should the users answer our questions. There are some options like: massage, photo, audio and etc.
    Tip: If you select message, your users only can reply via message and they can’t answer in any other way. If you select “all”, They can answer in any way.
  • Bot question type: It is the same as user response type but the difference is, You specify the type of bot question not user.
  • Validation type: You specify the type of answering this question: As you see, it can be number, English character and etc.
  • Response length: It’s clear that you should specify the length of response. Which means that you specify how many characters, the users should use to answer the questions.
    You can see these changes in Telegram. Moreover, you can edit or delete this button in Telegram.
    Smartbotsland offers you 7-day trial for creating your bot. I Suggest you, do not miss this chance.


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