Appearing on top of the search box in Telegram attracts more members to your bot, group, or channel. To increase the Telegram bot ranking, you should be careful of its content, usability, and engagement. Other factors, like the age of your bot and the number of people who use it, also play crucial roles in its ranking. Moreover, the...
What Is Hamster Komabt Game?
Hamster Kombat is a playful and exciting Telegram-based game containing a series of fun challenges or mini-games. In this game, you will see one (or more) hamster in different environments such as a jungle, a space station, or a medieval castle with various obstacles, platforms, and tunnels.
Hamster Kombat contains various mini-games and challenges, like capturing...
What Is a Boosted Group?
On March 4, Telegram introduced a new feature that drew the attention of many of its users, the group admins in particular. This feature, named Boosted Group, helps the group admins customize their groups and attract more members to their platform. So! Boosted Groups are nice and effective, but how can you make (and keep)...
Telegram Business has been launched this March (2024), with few but useful features. Users can enjoy the functional features of their business account by paying a decent amount of money per month. Read this article to learn more about the price and exciting features of Telegram Business.
What Is Telegram Business?
Having a business account in one of the most popular...
Telegram AI chatbots are revolutionizing the way businesses communicate with their customers. Like it or lump it, technology is growing rapidly; so, the number of businesses using AI chatbots to improve their customer service and automate their messages is outgrowing. We predict that Telegram AI chatbots will become even more universal and widespread by the end of 2024.
Telegram AI...
New drawing tools, hidden media, zero storage use, contact profile pictures, and more
admin - 0
Telegram, the king of features, has released a new upgrade. Numerous new features have been add will be thoroughly explained in this essay.
Hidden Media
One of the most widely used messaging apps is Telegram, despite its youth. This comes as no surprise given the app's extensive array of useful and intriguing features, including spoiler tags. Users can prevent spoilers for...
Free Telegram bot has become very well-known throughout the world during the last decade. They can help you with lead generation, customer service, delivering news to clients, portfolio display, campaign management, some interaction automation, and more. Due to their benefits, telegram bots are reliable assistants for daily use or online work. Read the following article to learn more about...
Shop bot has become the most popular and functional element in Telegram in the last few years. This bot uses AI features to respond to the customer's messages and aids online shop owners in processing orders.
What Is a Store Bot?
Shop bot in Telegram is a perfect tool for boosting sales and expanding online businesses. Your customers can use your...
The last update released by Telegram, had shown us a revolution on emoji status. Custom animated emojis had informed us about an open emoji platform where we all could upload custom packs with art styles of any kind for Telegram premium users. With this new update release, you will find more ways of enjoying these new emojis… ways of...
Subscription Telegram bot is a perfect AI tool that helps the owners of small or large businesses to manage their VIP Telegram channels. Creating a membership- or subscription-based business can be very rewarding as you have the opportunity to build meaningful, long-term relationships with your subscribers, provide them with valuable content, and have a sustainable income.
It goes without saying...